2022 Pinewood Derby
The 2022 Pinewood Derby was held at the West End Firehouse. Thank you for letting Pack 99 using the facility.
You can watch the YouTube video of the Derby below.
This Year’s Rooster is:
Last Name | First Name | Car # | Rank |
Waldenmayer | Brody | 1 | Tiger |
Borger | Clayton | 2 | Tiger |
Hemhauser | Jaxson | 3 | Tiger |
Meloy | Julian | 4 | Tiger |
Lawrence | Landyn | 5 | Tiger |
Wichman | Liam | 6 | Tiger |
Baranowski | Matthew | 7 | Tiger |
Amoresano | Sawyer | 8 | Tiger |
Bidden | Chase | 9 | Wolf |
Thompson | George | 10 | Wolf |
Ashcroft | Grayson | 11 | Wolf |
Moore | Isaac | 12 | Wolf |
Getz | Warren | 13 | Wolf |
Betz | Weston | 14 | Wolf |
Ringwelski | Anthony | 15 | Bear |
Cook | Brady | 16 | Bear |
Mattson | Brian | 17 | Bear |
Mora | Christian | 18 | Bear |
Bentley | Collin | 19 | Bear |
Hynes | Connor | 20 | Bear |
Hall | Daniel | 21 | Bear |
Goble | David | 22 | Bear |
Dobrinsky | Gary | 23 | Bear |
Betz | Harrison | 24 | Bear |
Piekarski | Jonathan | 25 | Bear |
Blomberg | Kevin | 26 | Bear |
Betancourt | Riley | 27 | Bear |
Betancourt | Ryder | 28 | Bear |
Tweddale | Barrett | 29 | Webelos |
Shook | Colton | 30 | Webelos |
Conklin | Gavin | 31 | Webelos |
Altemose | James | 32 | Webelos |
Munz | Mason | 33 | Webelos |
Roth | Tanner | 34 | Webelos |
Shook | Aidan | 35 | Webelos |
Coar | Chase | 36 | Webelos |
Coar | Rylan | 37 | Webelos |
Ringwelski | Marek A. | 38 | Adults |
Den 6 | Bears | 39 | Adults |
Ringwelski | Rozalie | 40 | Siblings |
Weiss | Patrick | 41 | Adults |
Simmonds | Delaila | 43 | Siblings |
Goble | Adrian | 44 | Siblings |
Bidden | June | 45 | Siblings |
Simmonds | Liliana | 48 | Siblings |
Bentley | Ethan | 100 | Siblings |
NOTE: Scouts that place in overall top 3 do not get awards for the Den/Patrol.
Race Results and Statics (PDF Files)
2022 Cub Scouts – Overall Standings
2022 Cub Scouts – Heat Results
2022 Cub Scouts – Individual Car Statistics
2022 Cub Scouts – Lane Statistics