Registration Fee and Den Dues
What Does Cub Scouting Cost in Pack 99?
There are 2 fees that are required to participate in Pack 99.
Registration Fee
Payment of this fee registers your son as a member of BSA. When you join, it is pro-rated from the month you join until the end of the current calendar year.
The pro-rated amount is $6.25 per month.
There is also a one-time joining fee of $25 per scout.
These fees are set by BSA and are not retained by our Pack.
Each November, Pack 99 collects the Registration fee for the next calendar year. This November, at the Pack meeting, each family will need to pay $75 per scout. If your scout would like to receive Boys’ Life Magazine, an additional $15 is due. In December, Pack 99 forwards this money, in its entirety, to the BSA. It does not stay within our Pack.
Den Dues
This fee funds both den and pack activities. The amount is currently $82 per scout for Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos 1’s and $58 for Lions and Webelos 2’s. This payment is due at the November Pack meeting each year. Den dues covers 1 ‘class B’ t-shirt when you join; all the belt loops, pins, badges, and awards your son earns this year; 1 Pinewood Derby kit (given at Christmas); his rank-specific neckerchief given at the beginning of each subsequent year; his dinner at the annual Blue & Gold banquet; and other awards and supplies for den and pack meetings.
So, the total per year, after you have paid the initial joining fee, is $157 for Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos 1’s or $133 for Lions and Webelos 2’s.
Add an additional $15 for Boys’ Life, if desired.
If you would prefer to split this amount in half, and pay half at the October Pack meeting and half at the November Pack meeting, that is perfectly acceptable. If you would prefer to write one check for the entire amount, that too, is perfectly acceptable. Checks should always be made payable to ‘Pack 99’. Other arrangements can be made on an individual basis if needed. Please see Bill or Sally to discuss. It is not our policy to deny participation in scouting because of a family’s financial circumstances. We will work with you.
If you have or will have Cub Cash from participating in the fall popcorn sale or the Yankee Candle fundraisers, that can be used to pay all or part of Registration and Den Dues.
Contact the Pack at